Every year EQ has an Anniversary Celebration in March which lasts about six weeks. While there are a bunch of events, the important ones are the anniversary quests. The Anniversary quests are available only during the celebration each year. Fabled monsters and loot will only be around for a short time!
In March of 2019 Fandom celebrated EverQuest's 20th anniversary, chronicling some of its more memorable moments.
The 2013 EQ 14th Anniversary Celebration will begin on Friday, March 15, 2013 and run until April 26. The new 2013 anniversary quests will run until May 26.
For more information, check out http://everquest.fanra.info/wiki/Anniversary
On March 16th, EverQuest is turning 14 and we have a few cool things to share with you.
At SOE Live in Las Vegas last October, we had a “Design a Mission” panel where we divided everyone up in smaller groups to work with a Designer on the EverQuest team. The goal of that panel was to have everyone participate in designing a mission that could be experienced by players of varying levels. We have had this panel in past years and the hope has always been to put them into game quickly for everyone to play. We’ve succeeded at times but other times, it takes us a while to fit them into our schedule. I’m happy to inform you that we will be launching several of these player-designed missions during our March Game Update to help celebrate our 14th Anniversary.
A couple years ago, we had an intern join our team and at one point, we let him work on some content just to fill out his remaining schedule and to see what he could do. Well, the content that he created was full of nostalgic Class-specific connections into the world of EverQuest. Some time ago, we placed a few of these missions on the test server for players to run through and they received rave reviews. So without further delay and after the Anniversary Game Update, anyone that has finished their Epic quest for 1.0, 1.5 or 2.0, will be able to test their knowledge and skills by traveling to historic locations in Norrath to earn an Epic Weapon Ornamentation to use on another weapon. We will reveal more information soon, but how can you argue against the ability to Burn Down Freeport and get rewarded for it?! J
Tradeskillers, you’ll be happy to hear that we will be putting in some new recipes to create some Hero’s Forge Armor in March. We have several new animal-themed hats that will immediately take your thoughts to the famous Barbarian Polar Bear hats in Everfrost. Norrathians can find all the items for the recipe but they will need help from their fellow Tradeskillers in order to receive the final product.
We’ll also turn on all past Anniversary events so mark the calendar for cool events to kick-off in two weeks!